Sympathy for furry friends

I am a lover of animals, they love unconditionally! When we lose one it can rip a section from our hearts. Here you will see a version of a sympathy card I created for my MIL. She recently lost her 14 year old cat... I watched this woman who always had dogs over the years i have known her, get this cat and insist that it sleep downstairs. Well Bubba wouldn’t have that he worked on her every night. Sneaking stairs trying to sleep with her. When she moved to NC a few years ago she started to let him sleep with her. It is at this point i feel she truly fell in love with him. He would come up and snuggle next to her, she got use to his companionship and looked forward to him coming to snuggle every night. Sadly he became sick and started to lose weight...she tried feeding him a special diet. Recently he stopped eating and drinking so she brought him to he vets where she found out it was time. Bubba is being cremated and then being brought home to ny to...