Marker Storage

MARKER STORAGE...NOT JUST FOR MONEY SAVING BUT FOR THAT PRECIOUS SPACE ON OUR WORK SURFACE. Lets face it we just don't ever seem to have enough work space when we craft. Constantly shuffling our all important supplies around to fit our needs.... I have had no craft room most of my life, sometimes I was lucky enough to share a room with our guest sleeping quarters. Now I have my own space and for what ever reason i can't seem to get it exactly they way it works best for me. That could be because I am forever adding new treasures to my space.... This post is not about showing you my space but saving space by making something to hold more of my markers then the commercial products will hold...I MEAN COME ON FOLKS WE ARE you really think we are going to have just 20 markers....I don't think so... Here is a photo of my finished marker storage..... This is currently holding 191 water color markers Let me see if I can get explain how I did this, ...